PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE never reset your Millry Communications modem.

Resetting your modem – e.g., inserting something (paperclip, bobby pin, toothpick, etc.) into the tiny Reset hole on the back of the modem – erases all programming, which in turn requires a service visit from a Millry Communications technician. Resetting your modem equals a complete loss of Internet service until the technician is onsite to reprogram the modem. Resetting the modem NEVER HELPS get your service back working; it only extends the down time.

On the other hand, in times of slow or no Internet connection, a power cycle can sometimes get your service back working properly. Power cycle your modem by unplugging the modem from the wall, unplugging the power supply from the back of the modem, or pressing the “power” button on the side or rear of the modem. Allow 15-20 seconds before reconnecting. Power cycling reboots the modem without erasing any required programming information. In some cases, this will not resolve your connectivity issues, and you should call our office to initiate a trouble ticket.

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