Our Team
Committed to making a difference for our customers and communities served.
Quentin Adams
Plant Technician
Judy Anthony
Suzanne Belk
Controller, Office Manager
Gwen Brown
Billing and Customer Coordinator
Michele Brown
Network Support

Paul Brown

Paul 'Gene' Brown, Jr.
Vice President, Chief Operating Officer
Annette Cannon
Customer Service
John Carlisle
Plant Technician
Chester Caulder
General Manager
Michael Cox
Plant Technician
John 'Bud' Dickey
Network Technician
Paige Dickey
Customer Service
Karry Ganus
Network Engineer
Terry Grimes
Plant Technician
Bobby Hiatt, Sr.
Plant Technician
Eric James
Senior Plant Administrator
Frank James
Fleet and Equipment Maintenance
Corey Johnson
Plant Technician
Ronney Johnson
Plant Technician
Amy Jones

Annice H. Jordan
Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Nicolas 'Nic' Kirk
Plant Technician
Sawyer McIlwain
Plant Technician
JaQuesa Mitchell
Customer Service, Billing
Sue Montabana
Customer Service Supervisor, Accounts Payable
Joey Moseley
Field Operations Supervisor
Lauren Ross
GIS Specialist, Plant Administrator
Michael Smith
Plant Technician
Timothy Sullivan
Network Technician
Christian Williamson
Plant Technician
Ronnie Wynn
Plant Technician